Warren Central Gold Brigade Marching Band & Color Guard2017 - 2018 - 2023 - 2024 ISSMA Scholastic A Class State Champions2025 Season InformationThe Warren Central Gold Brigade Marching Band is Warren Central High School's largest, award-winning student organization. For decades, the Band has provided positive, life-changing performing arts experiences for thousands of students.
Please take a look at our site and learn more about our program. Reach out to the band director for more information on joining or with questions.
All Warren Central High School students in Grades 9-12 are eligible, with no prior experience. If you're looking for a challenge, students in Grade 8 students who obtain director permission may also be eligible to join.
What's the Gold Brigade all about?
Marching Band is a unique blend of musicianship, athleticism and performance art. We rehearse Mondays after school, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, and Saturdays from August thru October. Students will meet during the summer months for rehearsals to prepare for the fall show. This group is very active in the ISSMA marching band circuit being recognized as a Scholastic Class State Finalists for 8-consecutive-years and named State Champion in 2017, 2018 & 2023.
The Marching band is made up of woodwinds, brass, percussion, and color guard sections. Students wishing to join percussion and color guard are required to try-out for their respective sections. No auditions are required for the woodwind or brass sections. Students in the marching band are required to attend all rehearsals and performances. All woodwind, brass, and percussion students are also required to be enrolled in a concert ensemble that meets during the school day. Students are also assessed a fee for participation in the Gold Brigade. Review our band handbook for more detailed information.
The Marching band is made up of woodwinds, brass, percussion, and color guard sections. Students wishing to join percussion and color guard are required to try-out for their respective sections. No auditions are required for the woodwind or brass sections. Students in the marching band are required to attend all rehearsals and performances. All woodwind, brass, and percussion students are also required to be enrolled in a concert ensemble that meets during the school day. Students are also assessed a fee for participation in the Gold Brigade. Review our band handbook for more detailed information.
Top Five+ Reasons to Join
1. IT'S EDUCATIONAL: Numerous studies show a correlation between music and academic success. Marching band utilizes and teaches qualities such as determination, responsibility (individual and collective), problem solving, etc. that can be transferred into the classroom and real life. Through the process of practicing and performing on your instrument, you are honing many skills that you will use during the school day.
2. IT'S SOCIAL: The friendships and bonds you create through band last for a lifetime. Ask any current or past member, many of their closest friends played in band. Bonds are strengthened through the process of working together for a unified goal creating a strong family atmosphere. For new members coming up from the middle school, band offers an opportunity to get to know friends in the high school and experience the space before the first day of school, creating a strong support network during the transition to a new building.
3. IT'S GREAT EXERCISE: Recent studies have shown that marching band is one of the most physically demanding activities students can do. When students are putting full effort into their marching and playing, they are using nearly every muscle of the body from the mouth and hands (playing their instrument) to the torso and legs (marching). Much like any exercise program, you get out what you put in, if you put in 100% effort during every minute of rehearsal (which is what we expect at Warren Central), you will experience a serious workout.
4. IT'S ALL INCLUSIVE: The band is open to anyone who is willing to put in the work. It offers opportunities for all types students to come together and perform together on equal footing. Tall, short, male, female, 8th grade, 12th grade etc,, everyone contributes!
5. IT'S SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF: You will work extremely hard to play your instrument, memorize your music, march with correct posture, march to the correct spot, and hold your horn correctly, often all at the same time. When everything is done, you can look back on what you were able to do and you will feel very accomplished.
6. IT'S FUN!!!!!!!!!! Self-explanatory; we work hard, we have lots of fun...plain and simple.
2. IT'S SOCIAL: The friendships and bonds you create through band last for a lifetime. Ask any current or past member, many of their closest friends played in band. Bonds are strengthened through the process of working together for a unified goal creating a strong family atmosphere. For new members coming up from the middle school, band offers an opportunity to get to know friends in the high school and experience the space before the first day of school, creating a strong support network during the transition to a new building.
3. IT'S GREAT EXERCISE: Recent studies have shown that marching band is one of the most physically demanding activities students can do. When students are putting full effort into their marching and playing, they are using nearly every muscle of the body from the mouth and hands (playing their instrument) to the torso and legs (marching). Much like any exercise program, you get out what you put in, if you put in 100% effort during every minute of rehearsal (which is what we expect at Warren Central), you will experience a serious workout.
4. IT'S ALL INCLUSIVE: The band is open to anyone who is willing to put in the work. It offers opportunities for all types students to come together and perform together on equal footing. Tall, short, male, female, 8th grade, 12th grade etc,, everyone contributes!
5. IT'S SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF: You will work extremely hard to play your instrument, memorize your music, march with correct posture, march to the correct spot, and hold your horn correctly, often all at the same time. When everything is done, you can look back on what you were able to do and you will feel very accomplished.
6. IT'S FUN!!!!!!!!!! Self-explanatory; we work hard, we have lots of fun...plain and simple.
Gold Brigade Media
Enjoy videos of our most recent season shows and other media.
2023 Gold Brigade "The Secret of the Sirens"
State Champions |
2022 Gold Brigade "The Elephant in the Room"
State Finalist |
2021 Gold Brigade "The Fifth Element"
State Runner-Up |
2019 Gold Brigade "Fiat Lux"
State Finalists |
2018 Gold Brigade "Mirror, Mirror"
State Champions |
2017 Gold Brigade "Zero to Infinity"
State Champions |
Gold Brigade Documentary