Welcome to the 2024 Warren Township Winter Guards!
Based on the audition results, we want to welcome you to one of the largest winter color guard programs in the world! Please take a moment to open, download, and review the contents of the Membership Packet for your team. Just about everything you need to know about the season is included in your Membership Packet!
There are forms includes that you will need to complete and return to the Warren Guard Staff by December 1st
Students will be provided with paper copies of this packet at their first rehearsal.
Membership Packets:
- JV Guard (Blue Audition Paper)
- Cadet Guard (Pink Audition Paper)
- World Guard - coming soon (check ParentSquare)
PARENTS & GUARDIANS: We will have a meeting for YOU . We will discuss the season schedule, contest expectations, fees, and your questions. Links to the meeting will be sent to you via ParentSquare or email. This meeting is mandatory for parents or guardians of ALL team members! MEETING DATE & TIME All meetings take place in the Warren Central HS Band Room Enter WCHS at Door #36